First make sure the item you are trying to purchase is not an excluded item like third party, Tailgate or clearance items. To see what is excluded, check out the details on the barcode.
If you are an AE store, you only receive 60% off AE product carried within your store.
If you are an AE SBS store, you receive 60% off both AE and Aerie product carried within your store, but not exceeding 10 items.
If you are an Aerie Stand Alone store, you only receive 60% off Aerie product carried within your store.
If you are an Offline Stand Alone store, you only receive 60% off Offline product carried within your store.
If you are a Tailgate store, you must use the 60% off at your nearest mainline AE store.
If you are an AE Clearance format store, you must use the 60% off at your nearest AE mainline store.
If you are an Aerie Clearance format store, you must use the 60% off at your nearest Aerie mainline store.
If the item is included and you’re still having issues, call the Help Desk: 1-724-779-5678 or extension x15678
You must provide the 20-digit barcode that is not working, along with the sku of the item(s) you are trying to purchase that is not taking the discount.